As brewers of alcohol free craft beer, we’re proud of our ability to create strong, punchy flavour profiles at just 0.5% ABV. Despite the popularity of our beers, something we often get asked though is this:
“Is it actually ‘real’ beer though?“
As we celebrate Beer Day Britain, we thought now would be a good time to discuss this further! Spoiler alert *yes, yes it certainly is*
Whether you look up the definition of ‘beer’, ‘ale’ or ‘lager’ that which remains consistent is this…you need water, yeast-fermentation, malts, hops.
So in order to answer the big question, we need to do two things:
1. Examine what beer is to you
2. Understand Drop Bear’s brewing process a little better.
Firstly, if you believe a beer can’t be ‘real’ beer with an ABV of less than 0.5% then ask yourself this: “Is a 10% Baltic Porter more ‘real’ than an 8.5% DIPA? Is an 8.5% DIPA more ‘real’ than a 4.5% lager?“
Surely not! Well based on that, a 1%, 0.5% and 0.3% beer is still ‘real’ beer.
Secondly, let’s explore how Drop Bear creates beer. Simply put…
We brew it!
Using 100% natural ingredients (ingredients that you would find in higher ABV beers) such as water, malt, hops, and yeast, we brew traditionally in the exact same way that higher ABV beers are brewed. “Well how is it alcohol free then?!” the crowds cry. Simply put…
Less malt resulting in less sugar.
The alcohol in beer is created by yeast metabolising the sugars found in the wort, so less sugar means less alcohol.
Of course a lot of work researching how to maintain strong flavour profiles, body, and head is also needed but the ingredients and method are essentially the same.
Our beer uses beer ingredients, is brewed as a beer in a brewery, ferments like all beer, and best of all it tastes like beer!
So all said and done, let’s raise a glass, tankard, can or bottle to all ‘real’ beers of all ABVs!