6 Reasons To Skull A Tinny
Real beer, brewed in a real brewery, with real beer ingredients. Sure, our beers are 0.5% ABV, but they're 100% real beer... and you can tell!
When you've been crowned European Champions of alcohol-free brewing not once but TWICE, you know the beer's gonna be good.
We're on a mission to brew a better future and part of that involves being carbon neutral. We offset any emissions we can't eliminate and are certified carbon neutral.
Our beers contain on average 85% less calories and 300% less sugar than other alcohol-free beers. More beer, less guilt!
Our beers might not be animal friendly but they’re friendly to animals. We don’t use lactose or any sort of animal products present in our beers, and we never will.
Containing less than 10ppm, our beers are naturally low in gluten. We use a few industry secrets to deactivate any remaining gluten to keep you bloated belly and stress free.
We’ve developed a unique process that honours traditional brewing techniques whilst embracing modern approaches. This allows us to brew and ferment the beer to 0.5% ABV, and nothing more!
Surprisingly to some, no! Many alcohol-free beers contain lactose and beers generally may use animal products such as Isinglass or filters made from fish membranes. We proudly achieve award-winning beers without having to use any animal products.
The UK threshold for gluten free is <20ppm. Our brewing process ensures that despite brewing with barley, all Drop Bears are naturally <20ppm gluten. We take this one step further by adding a natural enzyme that degrades the epitopes on the antigen which causes the immune response. We test every batch to ensure <10ppm gluten.